Sunday 22 July 2012


Timetable (UK) for Fantasy and Science Fiction: The Human Mind, Our Modern World.

Thursday 26 July

17:15 - release of introductory video clip for Grimm's 'Children's and Household Tales'.

Tuesday 31 July

17:00 - deadline for (Grimm) essay
17:05 - release of other video clips
essays sent out for "marking"

Thursday 2 August

17:00 - deadline for (Grimm)responses
17:05 - responses returned
17:10 - release of ad hoc video clips

17:15 - release of introductory video clip for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.

Tuesday 7 August

17:00 - deadline for (Alice) essay
17:05 - release of other video clips
essays sent out for "marking"

Thursday 9 August

17:00 - deadline for (Alice) responses
17:05 - responses returned
17:10 - release of ad hoc video clips

17:15 - release of introductory video clip for Dracula.

Tuesday 14 August

17:00 - deadline for (Dracula) essay
17:05 - release of other video clips
essays sent out for "marking"

Thursday 16 August

17:00 - deadline for (Dracula) responses
17:05 - responses returned
17:10 - release of ad hoc video clips

17:15 - release of introductory video clip for Frankenstein.

Tuesday 21 August

17:00 - deadline for (Frankenstein) essay
17:05 - release of other video clips
essays sent out for "marking"

Thursday 23 August

17:00 - deadline for (Frankenstein) responses
17:05 - responses returned
17:10 - release of ad hoc video clips

17:15 - release of introductory video clip for Hawthorne and Poe. (Mosses from an Old Manse, Twice-Told Tales and The Portable Edgar Allan Poe - specifically, Hawthorne's "The Birthmark," "Rappaccini's Daughter," "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment," and "The Artist of the Beautiful"; Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher," "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Black Cat," "The Oval Portrait," "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar," "The Bells," "The Raven," "Annabel Lee.")

Tuesday 28 August

17:00 - deadline for (Hawthorne and Poe) essay
17:05 - release of other video clips
essays sent out for "marking"

Thursday 30 August

17:00 - deadline for (Hawthorne and Poe) responses
17:05 - responses returned
17:10 - release of ad hoc video clips

17:15 - release of introductory video clip for H G Wells ("The Island of Dr. Moreau", "The Invisible Man", "The Country of the Blind," "The Star")

Tuesday 4 September

17:00 - deadline for (Wells) essay
17:05 - release of other video clips
essays sent out for "marking"

Thursday 6 September

17:00 - deadline for (Wells) responses
17:05 - responses returned
17:10 - release of ad hoc video clips

17:15 - release of introductory video clip for Burroughs & Gilman (A Princess of Mars and Herland)

Tuesday 11 September

17:00 - deadline for (Burroughs and Gilman) essay
17:05 - release of other video clips
essays sent out for "marking"

Thursday 13 September

17:00 - deadline for (Burroughs and Gilman) responses
17:05 - responses returned
17:10 - release of ad hoc video clips

17:15 - release of introductory video clip for The Martian Chronicles

Tuesday 18 September

17:00 - deadline for (The Martian Chronicles) essay
17:05 - release of other video clips
essays sent out for "marking"

Thursday 20 September

17:00 - deadline for (The Martian Chronicles) responses
17:05 - responses returned
17:10 - release of ad hoc video clips

17:15 - release of introductory video clip for The Left Hand of Darkness

Tuesday 25 September

17:00 - deadline for (The Left Hand of Darkness) essay
17:05 - release of other video clips
essays sent out for "marking"

Thursday 27 September

17:00 - deadline for (The Left Hand of Darkness) responses
17:05 - responses returned
17:10 - release of ad hoc video clips

17:15 - release of introductory video clip for Little Brother

Tuesday 2 October

17:00 - deadline for (Little Brother) essay
17:05 - release of other video clips
essays sent out for "marking"

Thursday 4 October

17:00 - deadline for (Little Brother) responses
17:05 - responses returned
17:10 - release of ad hoc video clips